Enjoy Maximum Exposure and Product Protection With Amazon Listing Hijacker Alerts

Make My Jungle
4 min readJan 15, 2021


Amazon Listing Hijacker Alerts
Amazon Listing Hijacker Alerts

Amazon listing Hijacking is one of the most common hijackings. This happens when some other seller comes on the listing of your product and starts to sell a copy of your product. Many sellers set SKUs from famous brands, but in case if your brand and product are unique, you are the only seller of that product unless you’ve given permission for another seller who purchases from you in wholesale for reselling purposes. Now, on your unique brand, if there’s a presence of any other unauthorized seller, then there’s a possibility that your product listing has been hijacked.

Further, sometimes when some other seller who acts as he is selling your product, changes the details and the listing title of your product is yet another type of listing hijacking. This creates inaccurate listings of the products which confuse the potential buyers. Due to this, both the sellers of shared SKUs and that unique product are affected. If this is left unchecked, then Amazon listing hijackers may make a considerable amount of damage to your brand reputation and product listing.

Luckily, we provide you 24/7 monitoring of the products and give you immediate notifications along with the Amazon hijacker alerts when anything in your listing seems out of ordinary.

Hijacker Notification

This tool will alert you whenever there is a presence of some other seller on your product listing. This helps you in taking immediate and appropriate action.

Buy Box Loss

Whenever you lose the Buy Box from any one of your listings, this feature will send you an immediate buy box alert. Due to this, you can immediately change the pricing of your product in order to win back the buy box and then to investigate the other seller who has taken the buy box from you.

Item Title Notification

This feature alerts you whenever there are any changes made in the title of your product. After this, you can immediately contact the Amazon service and inform them about the inaccurate changes, ensuring your customers get the correct listings of your product.

Monitoring the Product Review

This feature gives you access to all the reviews of your products and it also alerts you for both negative and neutral reviews. This helps you to battle your competitors who give fake reviews for your products.

Now, you can disable or enable all of these features to any of your products as per your needs and requirements.

Amazon Buy Box Alert

Buy box is a section present on your product's detail page through which the purchasing process of your product is initiated. Buy box section is given to that seller’s product page who has been ranked highest for that product by Amazon. The seller who wins the buy box will definitely make more sales compared to any other sellers of the same product. But, if there are multiple high ranked sellers, then this buy-box will keep rotating between them, letting each seller gain their share by sales of their product.

amazon buy box alert
amazon buy box alert

Winning a buy box is very important for any seller to ensure he makes more sales. Sometimes, hijackers or any other sellers alter or change their products’ prices to win the buy box from you and go on making their sales. To prevent this, makemyjungle gives you immediate alerts whenever you lose your buy box. From these alerts, you can immediately change the price of your product so that you can again gain back the lost buy box on your product page.

Amazon Reviews Alerts

Product reviews are considered to have a great influence on the selling of your products. The total number and overall quality of reviews for your products play a significant role in determining its position on Amazon’s product list. Since there are millions of sellers offering similar products, it’s very important for Amazon to separate the best seller from others and this is mainly done through the best reviews.

amazon review alert

Now, if your product is listed highest on the Amazon products lists, to get it down, the hijackers or any other sellers may add some negative or neutral reviews on your product. This will affect your position on the products list and may cause some serious damage to your listings.

To help you with this, we provide a feature through which you can monitor the reviews given to your product. The feature also sends you to review alerts whenever your product gets a fake negative or neutral review. This helps you to protect your product’s position on Amazon product lists as you can deal with such fake reviews.


You can surely protect your product but for issues that can’t be prevented in advance, we can at least be aware of them the moment they happen. This helps you in giving an immediate response and eliminating the issue/threat, letting you protect your position on Amazon products listing and keep your sales growing. With such excellent features by Makemyjungle.com, get ready to stand out in the competition of millions and take your business to the next level.



Make My Jungle

Make My Jungle is the best buy box monitoring software that gives you an instant alert whenever there exists any change to your Amazon buy box.