How to Analyze Amazon’s Rating and Listing? Step By Step Guide

Make My Jungle
4 min readJul 21, 2020


There are billions of customers who use Amazon regularly. There is a survey that estimated around 70% of Amazon users in the USA are the consumers for their e-commerce. There are millions of items sold worldwide by Amazon almost every day. And these sales numbers are going up quickly every day. Some consumers choose Amazon for their variety of products and some go for the quality of these products

Speaking about quality, it has been one of the promising fulfilments by Amazon recently, whether it costs one dollar or a thousand dollars. Most of the consumers decide the quality of any products through the rating and listing given in the categoric shopping handle of the Amazon website or application. But, Amazon is currently facing a major issue with people posting fake product reviews.

But how can one be sure about the quality of the product he is willing to buy? Well, here is when Amazon Review Checker and Amazon Listing Checker come handy.

What is the Amazon Review Checker?

Millions of transactions take place every day in Amazon leading to thousands of new reviews popping up of the products being sold. Amazon Review Checkers is useful as it can help the customers (buyer or seller), to analyze and differentiate the fake reviews with the real ones and give you better shopping experience. This task is difficult and cannot be done manually. This is when Amazon Review Checker comes handy by generating a report based on all the reviews that are available on the Amazon website. This Amazon review checker will study all the aspects of one particular review and flags it suspicious if the review appears to be fake. Although these review checkers are not completely accurate, they can provide an assist to users to understand the reviews with overall validation.

How does this Amazon Review Checker work?

Make My Jungle’s Amazon Review Checkers rely on the algorithm which detects any kind of suspicious activity that surrounds the product rating. For example, if an account is posting many reviews in very less time, posting the reviews from the same account, posting only a few words as a review for any one star or five-star review, etc.

If these factors are happening around. Then the review checker will pick those up and then it will analyze the proper and original content and comes up with a detailed report flagging either genuine or fake. These review checkers can also alert the sellers through Amazon Text Alerts if there is any kind of fake review.

What is the Amazon Listing Checker?

Amazon Listing Checker is used to analyze the product title, reviews, pictures, and other parameters for finding the strength and weaknesses of the listing which will help you in the optimization of listing for the conversation.

Why is Amazon Listing Checker needed?

  • To drive more of sales and traffic for the product
  • In-depth analysis of the product with all the suggestions included for improvisation.
  • To track each and every minor change happening around the product so that you are alert and ahead.

Make My Jungle’s Amazon Listing Checker can be handy for the sellers to make sure that their listing is properly done without any mistakes.

Why is Amazon Listing Checker needed?

  1. To drive more of sales and traffic for the product
  2. In-depth analysis of the product with all the suggestions included for improvisation.
  3. To track each and every minor change happening around the product so that you are alert and ahead.

Make My Jungle’s Amazon Listing Checker can be handy for the sellers to make sure that their listing is properly done without any mistakes.

Why is it important to have Amazon Review Analysis?

There are plenty of surveys done by most of the reputed companies which states that about 70–80% of the people read the online reviews before making any new purchases. This is so because they consider them informative and accurate. So it is important to have the Amazon Review Analysis as it can clear all the fake comments on the quality of the product.

How does Make My Jungle’s Amazon Review Analysis work?

This software-based tool will work on a particular algorithm that identifies fake reviews with the help of these key points.

  1. Keywords: If there is any paid review being written, it should contain the specific keywords given by the paying company. Those phrases and identical keywords can be used many times which tell that the review is either fake or paid.
  2. Language and Tone: Many of these fake reviews sound unnatural. These reviews mostly sound like an advertisement for other competitors. Also if there is a product name mentioned a lot of times then it is just to improve the SEO ranking.

It also looks for a lot of other small parameters to come up with detailed analysis. Analysis like what is right and what is wrong with respect to your product and if all the reviews are fake or genuine. If there is any fake review that can impact your product then it will also alert you using Amazon Text Alerts. This is done so that you can take the necessary actions.

Amazon has always been one of the promising companies when it comes to the e-commerce industry. Your company or product can get a huge boost under Amazon if you have the right tools. Tools like Amazon Text Alerts and Amazon Review Analysis are important to surviving in Amazon as they can make sure any kind of fake reviews that are a threat to your products can be kept away from the customers. You can get these tools from Make My Jungle as they are reasonable service providers. You can visit the website of Make My Jungle to know more.



Make My Jungle

Make My Jungle is the best buy box monitoring software that gives you an instant alert whenever there exists any change to your Amazon buy box.